Family Engagement Administrative Credential...
Being the best you can be! Qualifications that exceed all others!
Credential Programs
Family Engagement - Administrative (15 units/12 weeks)
Outline: click here to view
- The Family Enagagement Administrative Credential is a competency based curriculum program that is used to develop and enhance the family support skills related to the critical job functions of staff working with families. The Family Enagagement Administrative Credentia is ldesigned to help programs develop
strategies to support practices that promote positive
parent-child relationships, permanency and family
The Family Enagagement Administrative Credential will deliver family-centered and strengths-based approaches to partnering with families in making decisions, setting goals and achieving desired outcomes. Students will learn the principle of communicating openly and honestly with families in a way that supports disclosure of culture, family dynamics and personal experiences in order to meet the individual needs of children and families enrolled in Head Start programs. Key to building a productive family relationship, family engagement is the foundation from which change occurs. To build on a family's resources, family engagement activities must focus not only on the immediate family but also on the active involvement of both parents, extended family and a family's support systems. This credential is designed to help programs improve family engagement processes by engaging families as key stakeholders across all program areas including policy development, service design and evaluation. Participants must complete one (1) courses, one (1) exams . After classroom is finished, a portfolio of work education and training packet must be completed and submitted to the University. Once documents, coursework and exams are complete and submitted to Student Advisor, an assessment date for licensing is set
- Upon the completion of HS University's family engagement credential or license, your credential/license will be based on the NationalAssociation of Social Workers (NASW) continuing education requirements and the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) educational standards. HS University's Family Engagement credential/license program also aligns with Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) relationship-based competencies.
- Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of all program requirements, graduates will be able to:
1. | Develop knowledge of relationship building that is grounded in cross-cultural responsive and strength based perspectives | |
2. | Gain knowledge about mental health, child development and a variety of parenting practices, including unique ways to engage fathers | |
3. | Develop knowledge and skills in supporting families around financial literacy and financial stability | |
4. | Reflect on daily practice and personal experience to increase self-awareness and effective relationship-building with families | |
5. | Develop knowledge of professional ethics around confidentiality, boundaries and self determination | |
6. | Develop skills in coordination and collaboration with community partners | |
8. | Use family partnership assessment as a tool for relationship building and a basis for ongoing individualized family services | |
9. | Help families identify their interest, articulate their strengths and needs and accomplish and/or develop goals | |
10. | Use goal-oriented home visits to establish relationships with families and to identify and support their interests and needs through the family partnership process |
A credential at HS University is an "educational process" of establishing the qualifications of professionals in Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant Head Start, American Indian/Alaska Native and Early Childhood employees. The process consists of the attainment of a specific skill level and knowledge of regulations and the assessing of the candidate's educational background and experience. A credential is then awarded to the professional who meets the standards set for the credential. It signifies that a student has enrolled, attended and successfully completed the requirements of a specific mental health services plan of study within a Head Start program. The administrator credential process usually takes about 12 weeks to complete and requires 15 units.
- The credential in Family Engagement Administrator Credential provides a basic academic foundation and professional development for disabilities staff. An important professional credential and license offers Head Start nutrition workers an opportunity to advance their careers and serve children and families more effectively. A license is a "collegiate diploma". It is a post-secondary academic process of establishing the qualifications of professionals working in Family Engagement.
- Students are prepared to communicate effectively, learn and use new technology, think critically and creatively and demonstrate sound disabilities policies. The courses are designed for students who intend to pursue advanced study in Family Engagement or a related discipline.
- Students
are required to complete the following:
Complete 15 units or 5 credits
Complete online examination and documentation process
Complete a Prior Learning Assessment portfolio packet
Pay fee ( fees are determined by state in which student resides)
Complete award review process
Admission CriteriaCandidates for admission to the credential program must be employed in a Head Start program and possess a high school diploma or General Educational Development (GED) diploma.
Candidates who has previously received a Family Development Credential or Social Service Credential can transfer to the Family Engagment Administrative Credential if they complete a Prior Learning Assessment form (PLA), Candidate Application Form, and complete the FE Core Course #1(3 weeks online). There is a $495 program application fee.
Application Deadline
The deadline for Fall session starts is September. The next session starts 6 weeks after that date. The following list a suggested course of study. Students must complete 5 credits/15 units in order to earn a certificate. Please contact your advisor and student representative for an individual Professional Development Plan (Plans consist of a detailed program of study requirement and Proposal for Tuition payment). Students must complete an application and pay application fee in order to receive Professional Development Plans of Study.
Course #
Units 80-101 Family Engagement Exam 1 5 FE100 Family Engagement Administrative Course 4 15 - Transfer
- Family Development Credential or Social Service Credential*
- 3
- *Must complete a 3 weeks online course #1 for OHS regulatory understanding (5 units/2 credits)
- Program Length
- This course is 12 weeks in length and requires 15 credits unless specified otherwise. HS University students are Head Start working adults who can earn their certificate at their own pace and on their own schedule. Most students attend part-time, and the normal time to complete this program is 12 weeks.
- Program Cost
- Cost information for HS University program is available at