HS University's


Prove your expertise, get certified. HSFIS certification is a leading credential that validates your experience and skills to keep you competitive in today's changing technical environment.

The HSFIS Certification Program is designed by the HSU Technical Development Team to provide a valid and reliable measure of HSFIS technical proficiency and expertise.  This HSFIS Certification program was developed with the input of Early Childhood professionals in the industry and reflect how HSFIS is used by Agencies across the U.S. The exams are administered by HSU, at your Agency or at an authorized HS University testing site.

HSFIS Certified Professional (HSCP)
The HSFIS Certified Professional (HSCP) credential is for professionals who have the skills to successfully implement the HSFIS program or use HSFIS technology as part of a program solution in an Agency.

HSFIS Certified Systems Administrator (HSCSA)
The HSFIS Certified Systems Administrator (HSCSA) on HSFIS 4.4 certification is designed for professionals who implement, manage, and troubleshoot existing HSFIS software and network environments based on the Microsoft Windows® NT/2000 Server platforms.

HSFIS Certified Trainer (HSCT)
HSFIS Certified Trainers (HSCTs) are qualified instructors who are certified by HSU to deliver HSU 's Official curriculum (HSUOC) and HSFIS Training courses to Early Childhood professionals and Agency staff.



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