ERSEA Credentialed Trainer (ECT)

ERSEA Credentialed Trainer (ECT) program is designed for professionals who are responsible for ensuring ERSEA professional development of staff. Candidates enrolled in this program have 8 years or more experience administering ERSEA systems. The ECT program is designed to identify leading trainers who can deliver superior training events, conferences and seminars on ERSEA. Candidates enrolled in this program will have a competitive edge in their career and will be a vital resource in today's Head Start training community. In addition to the national recognition, candidates are provided with a valuable set of resources to aid them in becoming some of the best trainers in the Head Start community.

To enroll in the ERSEA Credentialed Trainer program, candidates must complete the following:

1. Complete an application

2. Attend an ERSEA training.

3. Take your required exams.

4. Complete Executive Skills Portfolio

5. Register with HS University's network registry

Exam requirements

HSU's ERSEA Credentialed Trainer (ECT) candidates are required to pass six exams that provide a valid and reliable measure of regulations proficiency and expertise.   ECT exams are developed with the input of professionals in the Head Start system and the exams reflect how Federal regulations and requirements must be implemented throughout the Head Start system.  The exams are administered by HS University professionals in locations around the US. Please select an ERSEA exam and begin your journey to becoming ERSEA Credentialed Trainer.

Please select an ERSEA exam and begin your journey to becoming ERSEA Credentialed Trainer. 

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