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  About Exam

Exam Length: 2 hours


Exam Cost:  $185.00 per person


Exam Prerequisites: All Students must take at least one HSU ERSEA course prior to exam!



Privacy Policy: Because of laws protecting confidentiality and privacy, only you can register yourself for a test or make inquiries regarding registration status or test scores.  Your private information will not be made available to anyone but you.


Reporting to the Test Site: Your admission ticket lists your test selection, test site, test date, and reporting time.  Please report to the test site no later than scheduled reporting time.  See Test Selection for reporting and dismissal times and test session lengths.  

On the day of the test, you will want to dress comfortably in layers.  This will allow you to adjust for the temperature at the test site, which may vary and may not be under the control of the test administrators.  Please wear soft-soled shoes to help maintain a quiet testing environment.  Water bottles may be allowed in the testing room, provided they are clear, do not have a label, have secure lid, and are stored under your seat, not on your desk during testing.

Late arrivals policy - It is essential that you report for each assigned test session no later than the time indicated on your admission ticket.  If you arrive late to a test session, you may not be admitted.  If you are admitted late, you will not be given any additional time beyond the scheduled ending time for the test session, and you will be required to sign a statement acknowledging this.  

If you arrive late and are not admitted, you will be considered absent and will not receive a refund or credit of any kind.  You will need to register and pay again to test at a future administration.


Official Examinee Score Reports: Your official score will be sent to you by email on the score report date published in "Test Dates."  Your score report will be sent to the email address that you provided during the registration process.  If you wish to have your score report sent to a different address, you may complete a Registration Information Correction Form at the test site on the day of the test.  


Your score report provides information about your passing status and other performance information.  If you have not received your score report two week after the score report date, call (901) 758-4034.  Under no circumstances will your official score report information be released in person or by telephone, fax or email.




The ERSEA Exams are listed below. Click on the enroll button to register for an exam.  Click on exam name to learn more about each exam.

Exam Name



 Core Exams:

90-101: ERSEA Fundamentals

90-102: Designing and Managing ERSEA Systems

90-103: ERSEA Procedural Development

90-104: ERSEA Systems: Records Management

90-105: ERSEA Management System Framework

90-110: Managing ERSEA systems within a HS program

 Elective Exams:

90-106: ERSEA Systems: Selection

90-107: ERSEA Systems - Eligibility

90-108: ERSEA Systems: Enrollment

90-109: ERSEA Systems: Attendance



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