in the OAPM associates program
enhance the management skills
needed to function effectively
within a Head Start program.
Students focus on leadership and
management and the human side of
an Head Start. This program
emphasizes emerging management
theory, techniques, and
practices, and incorporates
feedback and key competencies
from senior Head Start
management, program-design
experts, and university academic
professionals. The OAPM program
develops management skills in
defining program problems,
assessing information,
considering alternatives, and
choosing the best solutions.
Graduates attain the skill sets
necessary to evaluate and manage
the challenges facing
contemporary Head Starts. The
OAPM program consists of 120
credit hours. One hundred and
eleven credit hours constitute
the core curriculum and nine
additional general credit hours
complete the OAPM program. The
final trio of courses allows the
student to customize the degree
program in a given
specialization by focusing on
current ERSEA, Fiscal or
Facilities developments,
problems and issues relative to
the specialization. The core
begins with a 45-credit,
three-workshop program
prerequisite - Specialist,
Administrator or Trainer -
designed to build strategies for
success in the program. The
remainder of the core courses
provides a foundation of
analytic and conceptual skills
for effective managerial
decision making in the real-Head
Start community. Those students
in the OAPM without
specialization will complete
three additional prescribed
courses to hone their
problem-solving skills. The
final three courses prepare
students for executive
leadership and decision-making
roles in general management. The
principle outcome will be the
completion of a project
introduced in the first of the
three specialization courses.
The project is completed and
presented in the final course of
the program.
OAPM seeks candidates who have
Head Start leadership experience
in ERSEA, management, fiscal,
facilities or other agency
settings that serve Head Start
program design and management.
Acknowledging that candidates
are full time Head Start
professionals, the program has
been creatively designed and
flexible scheduling is one of
its hallmarks. The OAPM program
is structured to allow
candidates to complete
coursework and degree within two