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  Atlanta Family Engagement Conference
Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, GeorgiaAtlanta, GA : DOWNTOWN ATLANTA


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2012 Spring Conference


Family Engagement: Preparing for School Readiness

Achieving Meaningful Family Outcomes... Strengthening Families


Course Information   |    Course Location   |  Course Agenda   |    Learning Objectives    |   Hotel Information    Course Cost   |   Student Packet    |   Earn a credentialed     |  Who should attend  |


This course will include the NEW Family Engagement Framework and the NEW 2012 Family Engagement Protocol On-Site Review for Monitoring!


Four full days of training...starting at $495 per person

Course Date:  April 23-26, 2012                  


Course Information: The Family Engagement Conference is a strategic plan for Head Start programs.  All Head Start staff regardless of their roles or responsibilities who attends the conference, will understand the PFCE framework and be able to implement the framework across systems and service areas that promote Head Start children’s learning and development. Participants will find the conference useful in planning and implementing systematic, integrated parent engagement activities, help staff working with parents learn to analyze their effectiveness of current practices, train policy council members to engage staff and parents in a dialogue to create a profile of the program’s parent engagement activities, help staff who are discouraged when parents don’t come into the center for activities will learn to gain fresh perspective on what parent engagement means, and guide staff who informally relate to families as they carry out their daily work to discover how each of their interactions with parents contribute to the family’s engagement with the program.


About the Framework - The Parent, Family and Community Engagement (PFCE) is about building relationships with families that support family well-being, strong relationships between parents and their children, and ongoing learning and development for both parents and children. The PFCE framework is a road map for progress in achieving the kinds of outcomes that lead to positive and enduring change for children and families. The PFCE framework was developed in partnership with programs, families, experts, and the National Center on Parent, Family and Community Engagement. It is a research-based approach to program change that shows how an agency can work together as a whole, across systems and service areas, to promote parent and family engagement and children’s learning and development. Utilizing the PFCE framework, this conference will present strategies to achieve meaningful family engagement.


Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of all program requirements, graduates will be able to:

  • Support parents as primary educators, nurturers and advocates for their children

  • Ensure that every parent has an opportunity for a significant experience in Head Start

  • Ensure that parents are involved in making policy decisions for your program

  • Provide regular opportunities for parents to work together with staff and with other community members on activities they have helped develop and in which they have expressed an interest

  • Provide opportunities for parents to enhance their parenting skills, to extend their knowledge and understanding of the educational and developmental needs of their children, and to share concern about their children with program staff

  • Respect each family’s uniqueness, particularly in regard to their cultural and ethnic background

  • Promote children’s mental and physical wellness by providing group and individual parenting education in health, mental health, dental, and nutritional issues

  • Help staff build upon their knowledge of how children learn and how parents’ beliefs shape their children’s learning

  • Strengthen your understanding of specific techniques parents can use to enhance their children’s learning

  • Develop your skills in using home visits and parent-teacher conferences to support family learning

  • Help you develop the skills and knowledge to support parents in selecting quality child care

  • Apply the principles of family support to your daily work

  • Demonstrate the skills necessary for forming supportive partnerships with family

  • Develop creative approaches for providing support to families

  • Develop creative approaches for providing support to families

  • Assess your skills in working effectively with families and establish plans for professional development accordingly

  • Identify elements and requirements of effective transition practices

  • Support children and families preparing for and experiencing transition

  • Develop transition practices to facilitate continuity between settings


Conference Agenda

Day 1 - Understanding the PFCE Framework

Defining Family Engagement

                What is Family Engagement?

Understanding PFCE framework and Head Start’s vision

Staff-Parent Connection

Individualizing Family Engagement

Getting parent involved

Working effectively with parents

Analyzing Activities

Strengthening Family Engagement

Shared Responsibility

Paired Peers

Working Together


Defining Parenting Education

Parenting is like…

What parents need to Know


Day 2 - Developing Family Partnerships

What is Family Support?

Examining Ways of Working with Families

Applying the Principles of Family Support

Identifying Strategies and Skills to Family Support

Essential Skills for working with Families

Demonstrating Supportive Behaviors

Developing Skills in Partnership Talk

Practicing Partnership Talk

Joining with a Family

Addressing Challenging Behaviors

Assessing Family Strengths

Defining Family Strengths

Exploring Family Strengths

Practicing the Skill of Reframing

Identifying Key Players in the Lives of Families


Day 3 - Developing Family Partnerships

Partnering with Families

Family Partnership Agreements

Strategies for Working as Family Partners

Achieving the Family’s Goals


Family Development & Growth

Family Growth

Family Responsibilities

Setting and Achieving Family Goals

Identifying Family Goals


Developing Professionalism

Record-Keeping and Recording Contact Information


Day 4 - Teaching, Learning and Preparing School Readiness

Focusing on Parents

The Influence of Family and Culture

Listening to Fathers

Myths About Men

Talking with Teens and Grandparents

Parenting Across Ages

Moving Forward with Parents

Pinpointing your program’s strengths

Creating parenting education programs

Adapting Resources

Planning Parenting Education Opportunities

Parents are First Teachers

Learning about Learning

How Young children Learn

Reflecting on our Learning Environments

Supportive Elements of Family Learning

Transition and Change

The Change Process

Transitioning Process

Expectations and Supporting Developmental Needs

Going to Kindergarten

Transition and Continuity

Sharing Information

Partner Meeting

Setting Characteristics

Preparing the Child and Family

Partnerships for Continuity

Setting a Common Ground

Finding a Partner




  Training Date & Location:

Melia Atlanta Downtown

590 West Peachtree Northwest

Atlanta, GA 30308

Hotel Phone: 404-877-9000


Hotel Room Rate: $109 per person single/double


(HS University has reserved a limited amount of slots for this event.  For those students paying by check, you must contact hotel and specify program check as your method of payment prior to booking hotel.)



Student Information: Student Packet!


Contact Person:

Stephanie Martin or Michael Davis
Tel: 1-888-282-7817
Fax: 901-748-0297

Email: mdavis@hsuniversity.org



   Registration fee per level are as follows:  

  • Family Engagement Conference: Teaching and Learning (4-Day) - (April 23-26, 2012) - 4 Days Only - $895.00 per person - Cost includes 4 day conference ($895), course training manual, detailed toolkit CD, breakfast and all breaks and access to the the latest regulations and Family Engagement information. Confirmation will be mailed to you within 24 hours of your online registration. Click here to register now!

  • Family Engagement Credential - 4-Day Credential(April 23-26, 2012) - 4 Day + Credential - $1495.00 per person - 4 day conference include an all workshop, credential award and examination process, 15 credits, 4 CEU's, bound award certificate, a comprehensive conference training manual , detailed toolkit CD ,breakfast and all breaks and access to the the latest regulations and Family Engagement information. Confirmation will be mailed to you within 24 hours of your online registration. Click here to register now!

   The registration fee includes:

  • Up to 40 hours of training
  • Comprehensive training manuals
  • All refreshment breaks, including daily light morning refreshments
  • Comprehensive toolkit CD, containing printable forms and procedures

Get more than training at HS University! Get an education! Earn your credential...

Why do I need a credential?

Being a credentialed Family Development Specialist makes all the difference. Family service workers who want recognition for their professional achievements, and who want to unlock new career paths come to HS University for their credentials.


What is an Family Development Credential?

A credential at HS University is an "educational process" of establishing the qualifications of professionals in Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant Head Start, American Indian/Alaska Native and Early Childhood employees.  The process consists of the attainment of a specific skill level and knowledge of regulations and the assessing of the candidate's educational background and experience. A license is then awarded to the professional who meets the standards set for the credential.  It signifies that a student has enrolled, attended and successfully completed the requirements of a specific health services area within a Head Start program.  The specialist credential process usually takes about 3 to 6 months to complete and requires 15 credit units.

The credential in Family Development is designed to help students develop a “systems approach” to supporting family well-being, building strong relationships between parents and their children, and ongoing learning and development for both parents and children. The Parent, Family and Community Engagement (PFCE) framework was developed to ensure programs achieve outcomes that lead to positive and enduring change. The credential focuses on developing strategies to implement the Parent, Family and Community Engagement (PFCE) framework.  The focus of the credential will be be the attainment of 3 levels of academic standards of engagement practices to create a systemic, integrated approach in the area of goals, plans and activities.  A license is awarded to the professional who meets the standards set for the specialist credential. The credential process usually takes about 3 to 6 months to complete.


Why obtain a Credential?

Obtaining an Family Development Credential is the next progression in a Head Start Family service worker's professional career. Beyond the educational degree, a professional credential denotes professional commitment, achievement and represents a "plus" feature of certifying knowledge and experience that meets or exceeds excellence in Family service work at the national level. Professional Family service workers agree to a critical review process that includes evaluation of the candidate's educational preparation, practice experience and peer review of observable skills and abilities. Having an Family Development Credential will allow you to...

  • Become a part of the most widely recognized work organization in the nation.

  • Be recognized as having in-depth knowledge, proven work experience, leadership capacity, competence and dedication to the family work profession.

  • Agree to a critical review process that strives to measure adherence to a Code of Ethics, Standards of Continuing Education and Head Start standards in the area of family service specialized work practice.

  • Help Head Start programs seek out highly credentialed professionals to fill key leadership positions within their program and factor in the credential in their salary scales.


Cancellations. Cancellations made after April 2nd will be charged a $50 per person cancellation fee. You may send a substitute from your organization or transfer your registration fee to a future seminar (with a written request to HSU Training), and we’ll waive the cancellation fee. Participants who register but neither attend nor cancel will be liable for their full registration fee.

This course is designed for all staff. All Head Start staff directly involved with families, including staff working in the areas of family and community partnerships, education and early childhood development, and child health and development, teachers and caregivers as they conduct home visits and partner with parents to support children's development, program managers and coordinators as they help staff evaluate their skills and pursue plans for continuing professional development will benefit from this conference.

Bring your team to Atlanta and take advantage of this multi-faceted training by bringing along all those in your organization who can benefit from the topics.


Your comprehensive training materials will include copies of the applicable regulations, forms, and exercises that will help to make the materials easier to understand. Each session will be interactive using easy to follow forms and procedures.


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