HS University

Other Trainings:

On-Site Registration Form...
#Bring our experts to your agency!
Required Items. Please read the cancellation policies.

Use this form to enroll in On-Site Training courses.  Use a separate form for each on-site request.   You will be notified by email that your dates and on-site registration has been accepted. 

Agency/Company Name

Contact Name/Ti



 State ZIP



On-Site Course:    


On-Site Date(s)  

Alternate Date:

Number of Student to be trained:

Max Number of students is unlimited.  HSU will supply manuals for up to 15 students only!

Who is being trained?:

Fee: The fees included below are priced both with and without base fees.  The with cost includes base fee plus all travel expenses for on-site trainers, i.e., airfare, hotel, travel insurance, food, transportation, per diem and up to 15 training manuals, all handouts, and agendas.  

The without cost does not include travel expenses for on-site trainer.  Programs who choose to book travel expenses for our trainers,  must have expenses completed within 30 days of trainers travel.  Travel expenses will include 3 meals per day, hotel, travel insurance for trainer, airfare and transportation cost to and from agency. Trainers are not allowed to stay weekend stays without prior HS University approval.  Weekend stays will include added expenses of hotel and food as well as added travel insurance.  Agencies that book weekend stay without HSU approval will incur rebooking and cancellation cost of flight to bring onsite trainer back to home destination.  You may contact our office for more details. 

These prices are for up to 15 people.  For over 15 people, please contact Thomas at (901) 758-4034 x12 for pricing schedule.

Prices effective as of June 1, 2008.
Prices with travel expenses Prices without travel expenses

   1-Day ($3995)    

  1-Day ($2500)    

2-Day ($4495) 

2-Day ($3000

Comment or Special Request:

Extra Fees: 

     LCD Projector ($125) 

An LCD projector must be provided for all courses! If your agency is unable to provide this for trainer,  please check here and add $125 to total fees below!

     Laptops needed for software courses only!  (HSFIS & Crystal Report Trainings 


If Laptops are needed, please add $209 each x number of students(); NOTE: Shipping charges will be charged as extra.  Please call for exact shipping amount) 

      Extra Manuals ($35 each x number of students ; HSU will supply 15 

           manuals for FREE)

Total for Extra Manuals:

     CEUs ($25 per person) CEUs will be issued 4 to 6 weeks after course is 

          completed.  Please list attendees for which a CEU is needed below.

Total for CEUs:

    Certificates ($5 per person)  Certificate of training will be sent for each   

          participant.  Please list each participant to receive a certificate below.

Total for Certificates:

Attendees: (Please list Names, Agency, Address if different from above.  Certificates/CEUs will be mailed to contact listed above.)

       Total: $

Make your check payable to HS University or charge all fees to:

MasterCard        Visa          Discover     American Express

Card No.  

Expiration Date

Please bill the company: letter of authorization or purchase order will follow via fax at 901-758-4036. I have read and understand the registration and refund procedures for HS courses.



Payment: Fees are due 15 days after online registration has been confirmed or 14 business days prior to onsite, whichever is first. Cancellation:  Agency may cancel  on-site only if cancellation is received at least 25 business days prior to on-site.  If cancellation is received 24-15 business days prior to onsite, 50% of onsite fee will be refunded.  If cancellation is received 14 or less; no refund will given.  Agency may reschedule an on-site is done 10 business days prior to onsite.