
Registration Information


Registration by phone:



 1-(888) 282-7817

Registration by fax:


(901) 758-4036  Available 24 hours a day.
Registration by mail:

HS University Registration
P.O. Box 2482
Cordova, TN 38088-2482

Online Registration


Register online 24 hours a day; 7 days a week.

Take 3 Fee

This customer appreciation discount is available on many classes listed in the HS University catalog when you:

  • Enroll in three different classes

  • Enroll with two other people in the same class

  • Enroll with two other people in different classes

When the total adds up to 3, you save! You'll receive the Take 3 Fee when you register if the number of classes or the number of people enrolling totals at least 3.

To receive the discount, all enrollments must be submitted simultaneously to registration by enrollment form, fax or phone registration. If registering by phone, call 901-758-4034 and tell the operator that you will be enrolling using the Take 3 Fee. Please note that the Take 3 Fee is not available via web registration.

 *Enrollments through the Web are not eligible for the discount




Cancellation and Refund Policy



HSU provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate fully in educational programs and activities.  If you desire support services, contact the student Access Center at (901) 758-4035.
