Facilities Courses
Course Outline

Course Length: 12 hour/s (2 days)

Course Cost: $375.00 member

                     $425.00 non-member  

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Number: FAC166

Course Description: This course is designed to cultivate conscientious, safety-minded school bus drivers in Head Start programs.  The course includes a comprehensive 10 lesson program developed to stress school bus passenger safety.  The course will cover: The Driver , Driver Conduct, liability and The Driver, Pre-tripping your bus, Vehicle design and construction, School Bus operations, Student Management, Accidents, Emergencies, Natural Disasters Procedures, Man-made Disaster Procedures, School Bus Evacuation, Universal Precautions for preventing the spread of infections diseases of body fluid and First Aid.


Current Locations

The ABCs of School Bus Safety training will be held in the following cities listed below.  Click on Enroll button  to register for the date listed! Classes are held for 15 or more participants. Please check slots availability for desired location





August 11-12, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


October 21-22, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


December 22-23, 2010

8:00 - 4:00









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