News Update
About the Report

On May 18, 2010, the United States Accountability Office issued in a report titled "Undercover Testing Finds Fraud and Abuse at Selected Head Start Centers". GAO's study was in response to allegations of fraud and abuse relating to "...manipulating recorded income to make over-income applications appear under-income, encouraging families to report that they were homeless when they were not, enrolling more than 10 percent of over-income children, and counting children as enrolled in more than one center at a time." GAO is still investigating reported allegations, but has identified weaknesses and suggested a number of potential actions that Department of Health and Human Services should consider to minimize Head Start Fraud and Abuse.  The HS Program Instruction (HS-10-02) states that programs should provide annual training to employees responsible for determining and verifying income eligibility.

Course Length: 6 hour/s (1 day)

    Course Cost:  $249.00 member / $299.00 non-member


    Head Start and Early Head Start should design income eligibility requirements to eliminate 

    fraud and abuse during income eligibility.

Our course "Implementing Head Start Eligibility Effectively" will cover  the definition of family and how to determine family (including a family determination form), the best practice to determine a low-income family, what qualifies as "public assistance," what is excluded as income, the period of time to consider, and much more! In addition, we will discuss the Office of Head Start Policy Clarifications relating to income eligibility, as well as the provisions in the Improving Head Start for School Readiness Act relating to income eligibility including:

       *   homeless families

       *   Families up to 130% above poverty guidelines

       *   Military families

       *   Eligibility and enrollment reporting


Register Now!!!! 

Eliminate risk of fraud and abuse in eligibility! 


Join us at one of the following training...






July 12, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


San Diego

July 12, 2010

8:00 - 4:00

Las Vegas

September 10, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


November 08, 2010

8:00 - 4:00