Head Start Eligibility Trainings
Course Outline

Course Length: 6 hour/s (1 day)


Course Cost: $199.00 members

                     $249.00 non-members

Learn about ERSEA Credentialing!


Course Description: This course is designed for administrative staff to help them record income eligibility correctly.  The course will cover certifying eligibility, accepting 10% over income families, accepting families that meet the 130% eligibility, enrolling homeless families.  It also covers how to eliminate fraud and abuse as well as how to establish procedures and polices that meet Head Start regulation as it relates to eligibility. The course covers:

  • Head Start and Early Head Start eligibility requirements

  • Training staff on eligibility requirements

  • Definition of family

  • Determining low income families

  • Determining public assistance families

  • Determining time period for income determination

  • Homeless children

  • Families between 100% and 130% of poverty guidelines

  • Military Income

  • Enrollment reporting (End of Month reporting & PIR Reporting

  • Policy Clarification

Target Audience: This course is designed for management teams, ERSEA managers, Executive Directors, Content Managers and Community Partners.


Current Locations

Did you know? On May 18, 2010, the United States Accountability Office issued in a report titled "Undercover Testing Finds Fraud and Abuse at Selected Head Start Centers".

GAO Report, May 2010

The Head Start Eligibility training will be held in the following cities listed below. Click on Enroll button  to register for the date listed!   Also see ERSEA Credentialing and get certified!





July 12, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


San Diego

July 12, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


Las Vegas

September 10, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


November 8, 2010

8:00 - 4:00





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