Program Information

HS University's fiscal courses is designed to provide students with current and accurate information for maintaining financial management systems.  The classes incorporate detailed fiscal requirements as it relates to the oversight and management of Federal Funds.







Fiscal Courses


Our trainings and certification programs can assist you in every area of development. Testing and evaluations show our training classes are considered the "best-in-class" standard for Head Start professionals.  Students that attend our trainings are assured that they not only meet but exceed federal regulation requirements. The courses listed to the left are the one offered related to Early Head Start.  Quality learning is the key to training and certification. At HS University, you'll get the quality and flexibility that only the US's largest Head Start training company can offer. Regardless of the subject, you'll receive comprehensive training from highly qualified instructors, authorized training and curriculum materials, and the flexibility to schedule your courses anywhere in the US.


Our trainings are delivered on a modular basis with a number of theoretical input sessions. Our trainings also involves work-placed projects for both individual and peer group activity. The end product of this training is that more rounded and developed Fiscal Managers emerge who will be able to apply themselves professionally across a wide range of issues.

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