HS University 




November courses are full!  Register Now for 2011!


2011 OHS Monitoring Protocol is here!


Fighting Bug Bites and The Diseases They Carry  


Reach for the STAR Program


Check out our events Calendar! 


Re-Competition of Head Start Grantees


Trainer's Needed! Apply today!


Use ARRA for Professional development


Family Development Credentialing is now available


About Us Our Mission Our Management

Helping programs succeed through learning...

HSU offers you the most comprehensive training that enables you to build effective management systems  to ensure your programs provide high quality, comprehensive services to the children and families they service.  HS University, the leader in providing training and technical assistance services, was designed to reach out to offer a wide range of services to the Head Start, Early Head Start and Early Childhood Programs. Our highly effective services provide your program with a convenient way of acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to improve the quality of services provided. HSU  was established to answer the unique needs of Head Start, Early Head Start and Early Childhood Agencies.  We offer a wide variety of services that are specifically tailored for the Early Childhood community. We have an excellent cadre of instructors whose trademark is real-world Head Start experience.  Our goal is to help your agency succeed.  We want you to see the difference in your Agency.




We know how vital program development is to the success of your agency. And, when it comes to valuable, real-world Head Start and Early Head Start services, HS University is your best choice. At HS University,  we offer programs training designed to answer the specific needs of Head Start, Early Head Start, Non-We Guarantee Our Trainings!Profit and Community agency. Just as important, our services are delivered in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible. We offer a superior support that will empower your agency with the skills to increase quality service delivery options for the families you serve. Here are a few training and technical assistance services we can offer you:

  • The largest Head Start training curriculum in the US (Over 300 classes available)

  • Our expert staff will help you conducting surveys, develop outcomes and determine strategies for program quality

  • We can write and revise program plans, training plans, professional development policies

  • We can write, revise and/or design promotional, educational, and training plans

  • We can write, revise and/or design policies and procedures

  • We can write, revise and/or design community assessments

  • We can write, revise and/or design operating procedures

  • We can develop or design promotional/educational brochures, audio/visual materials, web pages, multi-media presentations or other materials

  • We can write, revise and/or designing printed material, such as manual or workbooks

  • We can develop newsletters

  • Our credentialing programs can ensure your staff will meet licensing requirements

  • We can prepare refunding applications and writing grant proposals

  • and much, much more...

Call today and find out how HS University can help your agency toward program excellence!



Family Development Credentialing is perennially ranked among the top-tier credentialing schools for Head Start professionals. Head Start leadership permeate the curriculum at HSU's Credentialing program.


Make plans to attend the ERSEA Credentialing Conference for Administrators, Family Workers, Intake and Management staff, being held December 6-10 in Las Vegas, NV.  Register today!


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