ERSEA Credentialed Professional (ECP)

ERSEA Credentialed Professional (ECP) program is designed for professionals who are responsible for collecting, reporting, managing and monitoring ERSEA daily compliance issues.  Candidates enrolled in this program have less than 6 months experience dealing with ERSEA regulations, or they are new to Head Start and ERSEA.  The ECP Credential program is designed as a valid and reliable measure of the candidates understanding of the ERSEA federal regulations.  Candidates enrolled in this Credential program acquire a skill set of the best practices and procedural methods for implementing ERSEA regulations.


To enroll in the ERSEA Credentialed Professional program, candidates must complete the following:

1. Complete an application

2. Attend an ERSEA training.

3. Take your required exams.

4. Complete Executive Skills Portfolio

5. Register with HS University's network registry


ERSEA Credentialed Professionals (ECPs) receive the following benefits:

  • Career Opportunities  

    Earning a ERSEA Credential verifies your expertise in working with ERSEA regulations and procedures.  An ERSEA Credential shows that you are a leader with the ability to successfully implement ERSEA solution for an agency or program.  


  • Validation of Knowledge and skills  

    The Head Start community, your agency and programs around the US will recognize your ECP credential as validation of the knowledge and skills you have gained through experience.  


  • A Firm Foundation of Skills  

    Preparation for Credential requires that you cover all aspects of the regulation and requirement you are studying.  The rigorous exam development process includes extensive job task analyses, reviews by internal and external ERSEA experts, regulation testing to ensure the relevancy and accuracy of each Credential.

ECP Program requirements...

HSU's ERSEA Credentialed Professional (ECP) candidates are required to pass two exams that provide a valid and reliable measure of regulations proficiency and expertise.   ECP exams are developed with the input of professionals in the Head Start system and the exams reflect how Federal regulations and requirements must be implemented throughout the Head Start system.  The exams are administered by HS University professionals in locations around the US. Please select an ERSEA exam and begin your journey to becoming ERSEA Credentialed Professional.

bullet ERSEA Exams


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