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ERSEA Credentialing Overview...


How to enroll...

The Professional Credential in ERSEA is a competency-based training program and curricula environment relevant to the work of a Head Start ERSEA Worker and based upon the Head Start Program Performance Standards, the Competency Goals and Indicators for Head Start Staff working with families, and includes a credible approach to assessing the attainment of these competencies. The training is linked to academic credit and degree programs and to other forms of licensing for Family Workers. The program will help family workers through a training and curricula program that is built on the concept of adult learners and accommodates the training needs of current Head Start staff who are likely to continue to work full-time.  The program has developed best practices and current strategies that will ultimately enhance the quality of family services and outcomes of those staff who continually work with a diverse group of low-income families.


The ERSEA Credentialing and Certificate program is a major effort initiated by HS University to improve theCredentialed Lapel Pin quality of Head Start employees by improving, evaluating and recognizing the competence of employees of Head Start.  The Head Start performance standards define the training and job performance needed by Head Start employees and is the foundation of our certificate and credential program.  The program is comprised of three levels. Each level builds upon another to ensure consistent educational advancement.  A candidate can acquire a level of competency that matches your current position.  As you advance, you acquire a new level of competency based on performance skills.  All our trainings are based upon the Head Start performance standards.  These standards serve as a means of measuring the performance of Head Start Credential Awardemployees during the curriculum based examinations. A credential will be awarded to you when you have demonstrated competency through training and examination and you receive professional recognition by successfully completing the examination process. 



The demand for specialized and skilled Head Start ERSEA workers is strong and growing on aCredentialing Student Handbook daily basis. Agencies need to be assured that the professionals they hire can handle compliance and regulatory issues and still provide the program with the skills and resources that are beneficial to families. Keeping a program in compliance today plays a key role in nearly every Head Start. Our credentialing provides a action plan for Head Start ERSEA workers to implement and manage those requirements.  As a Head Start professional, you must ensure you have these specialized skills. A credential from HS University gives Head Starts family workers around the US confidence in knowing that they have the skill set and regulatory knowledge needed to reach excellence in ERSEA. 


Here's how to get started...

How do I enroll?

Choosing a career path

Frequently Asked Questions

Tuition Cost and Fees

Becoming a Credentialed Specialist

Becoming a Credentialed Administrator

Becoming a Credentialed Trainer

Course and Exam Requirements


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