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The Licensed Trainer program is designed for professionals who are responsible for ensuring the professional development of Head Start staff. Candidates enrolled in this program usually have 8 years or more experience administering Head Start training curriculum. The Licensed Trainer program is designed to identify leading trainers who can deliver superior training events, conferences and seminars on Head Start standards. Candidates enrolled in this program will have a competitive edge in their career and will be a vital resource in today's Head Start training community. In addition to the national recognition, candidates are provided with a valuable set of resources to aid them in becoming some of the best trainers in the Head Start community.



What is required?

In order to meet eligibility requirements which are as follows:

  • You must be employed in a Head Start program,

  • You must be able to speak, read and write well enough to fulfill the  responsibilities of the Licensing or certificate program,

  • You must be able to participate in quarterly team assessment meetings,

  • You must honor your profession's code of ethics

  • You must have had a total of three formal or informal educational experiences

  • You must have 45 credits or 120 clock hours of training from an approved HSU institution, company, university or college

  • You must pass four (6) exam(s) that provide a valid and reliable measure of your Head Start regulations proficiency and your expertise.  

How many exams are needed?

You are required to pass six exams that provide a valid and reliable measure of your Head Start regulations proficiency and your expertise. Exams are developed with the input of professionals in Head Start and reflect how Federal regulations and requirements must be implemented throughout a Head Start program.  The exams are administered by HS University Licensed trainers in locations around the US. 


How long does it take to complete the program?

The Licenseed specialist program requirements must be met within a 12 month period.  However, you can complete requirements in a much shorter period of time and you can pace the process to suit your own situation.  You can move through the program as quickly or gradually as you are able.


What is required to enroll?

You must complete a candidate application. The application begins your journey into the curriculum and provides the university with needed personal information in order to start your candidate profile and transcript.  Once you complete the application, you submit it with the application fee.  The fee is $485 and covers the 3 years you are enrolled into the program.


What happens after I attend training and take exam?

Once you have met the program requirements (eligibility assessment, candidate application, complete training requirements of 45 credits or 120 course hours, pass six core exams), then a team evaluation (TE) will be completed.  The team evaluation (TE) will assess a candidate to ensure that you have met program requirements.  This will include a collection of the candidate information which includes requested forms, meeting training requirements of 45 credits, pass six exams, complete portfolio packet and Prior Learning Assessment (PLA). 


When planning your TE, you should allow the University enough time to receive all documentation.  The Team Evaluation (TE) process is conducted twice monthly.  In order to schedule team evaluation for the succeeding month, all documentation must be received by your TA team by the 15th of the month. 


Is there help through the program?

Yes.  You will be assigned two people -- a student representative and a advisor -- to serve as your TA team.  Each person is designed to help you through the License process.  Student representatives will monitor your requirement process.  They will collect all your requirements and post the information to your transcript.  Your student representative will ensure you are scheduled for all exams and trainings within your requirements as well as ensure all documentation is kept and updated on your transcript.  Your student advisor will help you with career advancement and curriculum advisement.  Both are assigned to help ensure you have all information and documentation needed during the process.


When will I get my certificate?

Once all your requirements are met and your portfolio packet is received, a team assessment meeting is set.  Meeting are held on the 1st and 3rd of each month.  You must submit you packet by the 15th of the prior month in order to make the team meeting for the next month.  Once a meeting is set, the Dean, advisor and student representative meet to determine awarding the License.  If requirements are met, the License award is given and the official License is sent to you within four (4) to six (6) weeks of decision.  If requirements are not met, the advisor will recommend that you reapply or inform you of your appeal procedures.  If the requirements are incomplete and the team has followed procedures, the Dean will deny the License and you will be notified in writing within 10 business days of decision.


How long am I Licensed?

A License is valid for 3 years from award date, after which it may be renewed for a two (2) year period.  All Licensed professionals must maintain 15 Continuing education credits per year in order to maintain their current License. 


To become a licensed trainer, you must be registered and complete the eligibility requirements. 

Here are some of the forms you will need to enroll into the trainer program...

Candidate Application Form

Eligibility Assessment Form

Career Path Form

Training Course Registration Form

Prior Learning Assessment Form


What are the benefits of being a Licensed Trainer?

Licensed Trainer receive the following benefits:

  • Career Opportunities  - Earning a License verifies your expertise in working with regulations and procedures.  A License shows that you are a leader with the ability to successfully implement solutions for an agency or program.  

  • Validation of Knowledge and skills   - The Head Start community, your agency and programs around the US will recognize your CT License as validation of the knowledge and skills you have gained through experience.  

  • A Firm Foundation of Skills  Preparation for License requires that you cover all aspects of the regulations and requirements you are studying.  The rigorous exam development process includes extensive job task analyses, reviews by internal and external experts, regulation testing to ensure the relevancy and accuracy of each License.

  • Exclusive Internet access to special kits for all HS University Official Curriculum (HSOC) Training courses Professional kits on current regulations will be available to download from the Internet through the download center. This includes all languages for HSOC Training courseware. Other content may be added throughout the year.

  • Ability to purchase special kits for all HSOC Training courses.  Special kits are available to purchase for a low cost from your local fulfillment center.

  • Exam discounts. Licensed or Certificate staff receive a (5) five percent discount on License exams in cities where the exam cost is equivalent to $185.

  • Courseware support. Certificate and Licensed staffs can use a special instructional support alias to ask questions or report problems regarding their Licensed components. This support service can assist you with program problems, compliance issues, regulatory clarification, or other matters related to Head Start. Coverage is national, although problems and resolutions are Federal based only.

  • Exclusive access to the private CA Web site and the monthly CT newsletter. The private Web site and CT newsletter provide timely updates on CT program announcements, HSU License and courseware information, events, and special promotions.

  • Special offers for the CT community. Many forms and services are offered free of charge or at a discount for specialist. These special offers are kept up-to-date on the private CT Web site.

  • Private CT newsgroups on the Internet. The newsgroups allow you to share tips and tricks and exchange information about HSU training, License and other CT events.

  • Invitations to regional and national HS University events. These events include various Professional-readiness events, both regional and national. Attending these events will help you stay ahead with Head Start compliance.

  • License or Certificate Program (CTID) Cards and Lapel Pins. The CTID identification cards and lapel pins allow you to identify yourself to HS University Certified Training Centers, as well as other programs and the Office of Head Start.Credentialed Lapel Pin



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