ERSEA Institute: Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment & Attendance
Student Information:
Agency Information:
Course Information:
$325 per person (New Web Price Only!)
Please choose a discount Early Bird Discount (Deduct $25) Take 3 Discount (Deduct $25) Take 3 EBD Discount (Deduct $50)
When booking online, Early Bird Discounts are only available with Credit Card registrations!
Take 3 discount is for 3 or more student registering for the same workshop.
Please bill the company: letter of authorization or purchase order will be faxed to (901) 758-4036. I have read and understand the registration and refund procedures for HSU courses.
Card No.
Expiration Date
Security Code: (3-digit security code on back of card)
Name on Card:
We send out our schedule and occasional promotions. If you would rather not receive these messages, please check this box.
HSU provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate fully in educational programs and activities. If you desire support services, contact the student Access Center at (901) 758-4034.