Early Head Start 
About Early Head Start

HS University's Early Head Start training division is designed to help programs promote healthy prenatal outcomes for pregnant women, enhance the development of very young children, and promote healthy family functioning. HS University's training courses will incorporates current research and best practice in order to help programs design services to EHS families. Our courses address program services such as: promoting quality early education both in and out of the home; developing parenting education programs; managing comprehensive health and mental health services, including services to women before, during, and after pregnancy; managing nutrition education; and delivering family support services.





Early Head Start Courses
Research shows that the early years set the stage for all future development. We know more now than ever before about how young children learn, think and grow. All children are born eager to explore their world and master their development. From birth to a child's third birthday, development proceeds at a pace exceeding that of any stage of life. Infants and toddlers rapidly develop capabilities in emotional regulation, relationships, cognition, motor development, and language. Our courses incorporates these capabilities to form the foundation from which all future development builds.

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