When you earn an HSU credential or license, you are demonstrating your compliance with the core competencies and indicators set forth by the HS University, while validating real Head Start skills and job-related experiences that are used every day. HS University Credential or License program ensure that candidates are knowledgeable of content area chosen. Enrolling in a credentialing program improves a program's ability to meet federal requirements. Getting a credential or license through HS University is the best way to stay up to date on current regulations because each of the credential or license programs are continually updated and measured for relevance of current federal regulations as well as regulation with the area of specialty. In order to enroll in a credential or license program, candidates must :
1. Complete a candidate application - The candidate application and an eligibility assessment form is the pre-enrollment portion of the credential or license process. This process will begin your journey into the curriculum and provides the university with needed personal, educational and employment information in order to maintain the candidate transcript.
2. Pay fee - Each candidate must pay an program fees in order to complete credential or license process. The program fee are per person and as follows:
Administrator Credential
The Administrative Credential is a "training certification" of skilled professionals. Participants learn to access leadership skills. (This is a 12 week program) Discounted: $500 savings. Original fee: $1995 per person. Prerequisite: None
$1495 per person Supervisor Credential
The Supervisor Credential is designed to be a "plus" feature of certifying abilities and represents exceptional skill level. It builds upon the Administrator Credential and is an "academic certification" of qualification of skilled professionals. Participants at this level practical tips, techniques and solutions needed for supervisory success. This level focuses on the unique challenges you face everyday as a manager or supervisor and offers solutions to help managers and supervisors build solid foundation for approaching challenges of how to work through staff conflict and difficult behaviors as well as confidentiality. Student must complete a 90 hour student practicum. (This is a 24 week program.) Prerequisite: An HS University Administrative or a credential from another accredited college or university. $2595 per person Management License
Managers are the linking pin between program mission and execution, the number one determinant of staff satisfaction. Yet, they are often unprepared for the demands of their role. The Management License equips managers with the ideas and skills that create success and high performance. A Management License is a "collegiate diploma." It is a post-secondary academic process of establishing the qualifications of skilled professionals in Head Start. Candidates with a Management License has the ability to train and credential other staff. It focuses on the importance of management quality and demonstrates how the achievement of quality management systems depends on shared Head Start values and an exemplary management team. Students must complete a train the trainer course and a 120 clock hour student practicum. (This is a 36 week program.) Prerequisite: An HS University Administrative or a Supervisor Credential or a current credential from another accredited college or university or equivalent knowledge. $3195 per person Online Program(s)
For students who wish to attend program online. Add $600 per person/ program -
Candidates that do not pay the annual fees may not be able to attend or take final exam.
3. Attend Training - Each candidate is expected to stay up-to-date on all regulations by maintaining 40 hours of training each year. Candidates must provide the University with certificates of training in order to meet this requirement. Candidates can utilize their attendance in conferences, seminars, webinars, classroom training and online training in order to meet this requirement. Note: In order to take exams, candidates must complete one HSU training event.
4. Take required exams - Candidates must pass with a score of 75% or above on all exams. Each exam is $370, which is non-refundable. Candidates that do not meet the acceptable score must re-take the exam again at the $370 price. (Note: Students that attend HS University training, have an 80% greater chance of a passing score.) Exam requirements are as follows:
Administrative Credential - Candidates are required to pass (1) one exam.
Supervisor Credential - Candidates are required to pass (2) two exams and a 90 clock hour practicum.
Management License - Candidates are required to pass (3) three exams and complete a 120 clock fieldwork hours in the student practicum.
5. Complete Skills Portfolio - Once candidate has met requirements of the program, a skills portfolio should be completed and returned to the university. The skills portfolio allows the candidate to update their profile with any skills or trainings that will be relevant to their certification. It is also listed in the network registry for other federal and state programs during the referral and reference process.
6. Complete Network Registry - The Network Registry is the university's network for national, regional and state organizations. With over 10,000 members, the network provides candidates with a national opportunity to display their skills and experiences in order to be available for reviews, conferences and training and technical assistance services. Candidates will also be able to access the network to find regional and state resources within their certification area. This network is located in our Blackboard Learn system
How to enroll...
Did You Know?
Over 99% of HS/EHS programs with HS University's credential or license do better in Federal On-Site Reviews!