Transitions Training Division
Course Outline

Course Length: 12 hour/s (2 days)

Course Cost:  $425.00 per person  

Course Prerequisites:  None


Course Number: TRZ221

Course Description: This course will help you to prepare parent for the transition phase from Head Start to Kindergarten.  The course will help students be able to enable parents so they can fully understand their roles, rights and responsibilities and to develop communication and advocacy skills necessary throughout their child's education. The course helps programs to establish and maintain procedures to support successful transitions for enrolled children and families from previous child care programs into Early Head Start or Head Start and from Head Start into elementary school, a Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act preschool program, or other child care settings. Students will learn to develop procedures that include:

  • Coordinating with the schools or other agencies to ensure that individual Early Head Start or Head Start children’s relevant records are transferred to the school or next placement in which a child will enroll or from earlier placements to Early Head Start or Head Start;

  • Outreach to encourage communication between Early Head Start or Head Start staff and their counter parts in the schools and other child care settings including principals, teachers, social workers and health staff to facilitate continuity of programming;

  • Initiating meetings involving Head Start teachers and parents and kindergarten or elementary school teachers to discuss the developmental progress and abilities of individual children; and

  • Initiating joint transition-related training for Early Head Start or Head Start staff and school or other child development staff.”



Current Locations

The Preparing Parents for Transitions training will be held in the following cities listed below.  Click on Enroll button  to register for the date listed! Classes are held for 15 or more participants. Please check slots availability for desired location






September 22-23, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


December 8-9, 2010

8:00 - 4:00

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