HSFIS (Head Start Family Information System)
Course Outline

Course Length: 2 Days


Course Cost:  $425.00 member

                      $499.00 non-member


Course Number:  TEC124


Course Prerequisites:  Students that use HSFIS daily or student with 6 months or more experience using HSFIS should take this course. Knowledge of Windows, Keyboard and Mouse. HSFIS Basic course is recommended.

Course Description: This in-depth course is specifically designed for experience users.  It will focus on skills agencies need to manage the HSFIS system.  Participants will learn how track enrollment information such as health, disabilities, attendance/CACFP tracking, education including IEP, IFSP and development assessment, family partnership agreements and strengths assessment, as well as track home visits, service delivery tracking, parent meetings, follow-up and referrals, volunteers and resources tracking and much more.  This workshop will also cover using HSFIS reporting systems and monitoring with HSFIS reports, as well as statistical reports and management reports.  As well as exporting and importing reports data to other systems will also be covered.  This course is for those users that want to use HSFIS to meet program requirements as well as meet other federal and state requirement  Students will learn how to create new program years, manage picklist, customize HSFIS systems and rollover children and families.  Use of system browser for system functionality for things like uploading/downloading, transportation/ bus routing, data re-indexing, using data doctor and CDC schedules and USDA reimbursement rates. Also how to use HSFIS for multi-funded program types (i.e., local and state funded programs.)  


Current Locations

The HSFIS Advanced  training will be held in the following cities listed below.  Click on Enroll button to register for the date listed! Classes are held for 15 or more participants. Please check slots availability for desired location






September 23-24, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


October 21-22, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


November 16-17, 2010

8:00 - 4:00










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