ERSEA Trainings
Course Outline

Course Length: 38 hour/s (3 1/2 days)


Course Cost: $895.00 non-members

                     $845.00 members

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Course Description: This in-depth 3 ½ day course is designed for those responsible for train and implementation of ERSEA.  It provide students the tools and training necessary to meet training and staff understanding of the ERSEA requirements in the CFR Part 1305 of federal regulations regarding eligibility, recruitment, enrollment, selection and attendance for their program. Participants learn about determining community strength and needs, using assessments to determine program design options and methods of implementing ERSEA requirements at their program. This 3 ½ day course gives you access to practical tools, strategies, and techniques that will make your ERSEA training dynamic, engaging, and effective. We show you how to optimize your training environment and training programs to achieve outstanding ERSEA implementation and compliance results.   

Prerequisites: Level I-II

Learning Objectives:  Upon completion of this course, you'll learn how to:

  • Build comfortable rapport with staff and get buy-in for ERSEA procedures from the beginning.

  • Deliver ERSEA standards logically and simply in a brain-friendly fashion.

  • Orchestrate the optimum environment for your training.

  • Engage the audience in multi-faceted, ingenious ways to facilitate ERSEA compliance.

  • Use and combine compelling audio & visual aids to utilize more senses.

  • Choose creative and stimulating delivery formats for "dry," regulatory material.

  • Facilitate partner and group activities applicable to learning goals.

  • Transfer ERSEA information from short-term to long-term memory.

  • Plan and design a seamless, multi-sensory ERSEA training that will have lasting impact.

  • Apply Accelerated ERSEA strategies for results-boosting, super-charged productivity.

Target Audience: This course is designed for management teams, ERSEA managers, Executive Directors, Content Managers and Community Partners.


Current Locations

Did you know? Programs with enrollment levels of 97% or below... may be designated as chronically under-enrolled and have funds recaptured, withheld or reduced by percentage under-enrolled!

641(h)(5)(A)...2007 HS Act

The ERSEA training will be held in the following cities listed below. Click on  Enroll button  to register for the date listed!  





August 5-11, 2010

8:00 - 4:00

Little Rock

August 29 - September 3, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


October 4-8, 2010

8:00 - 4:00

Las Vegas

November 1-5, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


December 6-10, 2010

8:00 - 4:00





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