ERSEA Trainings
Course Outline

Course Length: 12 hour/s (2 days)


Course Cost: $375.00 members

                     $425.00 non-members

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Course Number: MS120


Course Description:  The next level for administrators is crucial to consistent implementation of ERSEA.  HS University has designed this course for staff  who have attended ERSEA Level I or who have six months or more experience in the ERSEA environment. The basis of the training is to ensure full programmatic implementation of ERSEA within the Head Start programs. The focus is on designing forms, procedures, polices and tracking systems to ensure compliance.  Students will be challenged to determine strategies that meet PROTOCOL and Head Start Act requirements.  State child licensing requirements will be a major part of this training.  Students will understand how management systems will be used in federal reviews, understand staff roles and responsibilities in designing ERSEA policies and procedures, and use tools such as the community-wide strategic plan, PIR information, and area plans to develop selection criteria.  The instructor will use a team approach  to help staff, management teams, policy members and administration work together to ensure full enrollment, design effective recruitment strategies, meet disabilities requirements, develop selection criteria that ensures the most neediest children enter the program first and will provide best practices on how to conduct ERSEA area self-assessments. 

Prerequisites: ERSEA Level I or six months or more of working in ERSEA environment.

Learning Objectives:  Upon completion of this course, you will:

· Work as teams to design and implement ERSEA policies and procedures

· Conduct in-depth assessments of current processes and determine detailed solutions

· Create comprehensive ERSEA area plans and policies

· Designing monitoring systems and solutions for current practices and procedures

Target Audience: This course is designed for ERSEA teams, Board Members, Policy Council Members, Executive Directors, Program Managers, Management Teams, Child Care Partners and Community Partners.

Current Locations

Did you know? Programs with enrollment levels of 97% or below... may be designated as chronically under-enrolled and have funds recaptured, withheld or reduced by percentage under-enrolled!

641(h)(5)(A)...2007 HS Act

The ERSEA Level II training will be held in the following cities listed below. Click on Enroll button  to register for the date listed! Also see ERSEA Credentialing and get certified!





August 9-10, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


October 6-7, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


December 8-9, 2010

8:00 - 4:00





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