ERSEA Credentialing Enrollment
ERSEA Credentialing Course - Enrollment Form 
Required Items. Please read the cancellation policies.
Student Information:
Student Name(s)   Email Address(es):
 Agency Information:
* Agency:
Contact Name:
* Job Title:
* Phone:
 Course Information:
* Course:
* Number of Students:
Course Cost:
$1095.00 per person
Candidate Application:
$495.00 per person
Initial Cost Cost:::
$1590.00 per person
Exam Fee:
Please choose a credentialing program:
ERSEA Credential Professional
Add $360.00 per person ( 2 Credentialing exam!)  Learn more about Credentialing!
ERSEA Credential Administrator:
Add $720.00 per person ( 4 Credentialing exam!)  Learn more about Credentialing!
ERSEA Credential Trainer:
Add $1080.00 per person ( 6 Credentialing exam!)  Learn more about Credentialing!
 Total Cost:
Program Cost:::
$1590.00 per person + Exam fees


5 Day Course Discount (Deduct $455 per person)
* Total Fees:
Classes are occasionally cancelled. Please indicate if there is a second date in our schedule which may be acceptable to you. You will not be enrolled in this class without a confirmation by phone and/or email or fax. Please read the cancellation policies.
Alternate Course Date::
 Payment Method:
* Payment Method:

 Please bill the company: letter of authorization or purchase order will be faxed to (901) 758-4036. I have read and understand the cancellation policies for HSU courses.

Card No: 

Expiration Date:
Security Code: 
(3-digit security code on back of card)
Name on Card: 
Authorizing Manager:
Payment Method:
Need more information? Call 1-888-282-7817

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HSU provides a range of services to allow persons with disabilities to participate fully in educational programs and activities.  If you desire support services, contact the student Access Center at (901) 758-4034.


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