EHS Courses
Course Outline

Course Length: 12 hour/s (2 days)

Course Cost: $375.00 member

                     $425.00 non-member


Course Number: EHS161

Course Description: This course reinforces Head Start's role as a family support program and defines the frame work for supporting families.  The concept and principles of supporting families are presented along with the skills necessary to develop those relations which enhance family . It also focuses on those skills of family goal setting process that support family growth: learning from significant life events, identify internal and external support, visioning, creating a family picture, setting goals, developing and implementing a family plan and providing follow-up. 

Prerequisite: None

Learning Objectives: Upon completion, you will be able to:

· Partner with EHS families and offer them support based on their strengths, interests and needs

· Work with families to develop and implement EHS family partnership agreements

· Understand and assess the impact of life on EHS families

· Encourage growth and development by helping EHS families articulate, define and achieve goals

· Record family progress

· Acknowledge and uphold professional responsibilities

Target Audience: This course is designed for family workers, home visitors and staff working with families. All Early Head Start staff will benefit from this course.

Current Locations

The EHS Partnership Agreements training will be held in the following cities listed below.  Click on Enroll button  to register for the date listed! Classes are held for 15 or more participants. Please check slots availability for desired location





September 16-17, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


December 13-14, 2010

8:00 - 4:00


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